Saturday, January 02, 2010


I thought, as I took down the calendar, that I'd have a quick look at the year and see what we'd done. It's been a busy one, for sure! Here's a few edited highlights. I've not included the many gigs that Bryan has done - possibly because lots of them didn't get put on the calendar, but mostly because it would fill the blog!


Mel flew to New York and not only had to do the long haul flight, but also went to the top of the Empire State. For someone who doesn't like flying, heights and lifts, she did pretty darn good! She did quite a bit of shopping too.


Not the most exciting month according to the calendar - but Alex had an ingrowing toenail which was treated.


This was a busier month, with the Thriplow Daffodil Festival (where Shani and I played and were not appreciated by some grumpy old granny!), a visit to Coventry for Alex to see the Uni there, and a meeting of the old Shave crew. Goodness - was the reunion really 2008?! Mel also signed on at a children's modelling agency.


Ted from Denmark visited and we played with him in London to celebrate the launch of his CD, Gypsies and Butterflies. Carol and I went to the midlands to have a weekend at Sundial, and we had a great time. I also went to Heacham to visit my friend Sandra.


Shani and I played at Rougham, the airfield, doing two shows in one weekend. Always good fun, we had a pleasant time and folks liked our music. At the start of the month we had a BBQ at Shani and Nickie's, for Shani's birthday (previous month). I met little Marcus again, Nickie's nephew. My ain't they sweet when they are little?!


The calendar is sparse for June again, but I know at work I spent a lot of time working on the business plan. The Writers Circle went for a walk on the heath, which was lovely. I learned a lot about plants and their uses.


Ivisited my friends in Bath in July and had a lovely time wandering round my favourity English city. This was also the month that a long time family friend, Don Anderson, passed away.


Melody, Rosie and Paige flew out to Mallorca to stay with Sally for just over a week, and Mel stayed on for longer. I flew out to join Mel and Sally, and enjoyed one week of sun! About the only sun we saw at all due to the awful English summer. My friend Nadine ran a 'blog party' which was a huge internet success - an innovative and clever idea that increased site visits and helped lots of authors.


Bryan seemed to have a very busy gig month in September, playing with Penni, Strangeworld and the barn dance band. I had one gig with the Brookfield band, and played at a medieval fair with Penni (where I was given the best chat up line ever!)


My friend Susannah was in the Times, on TV and on radio; a lady I have a lot of time for and a lot of respect. She and my cousin Nick run a charity called the Aurora Health Foundation. Visit the site to see why she was so busy that month.


This was a very busy month, with a visit to the West Country again, to Skirrid Fawr in Wales, and then to London with my friend from Ireland, Cathy. Cathy and I went to the National History Museum, the V&A and the British Museum. We also got lost and spent one evening in an Irish pub watching France cheat at football.

This was also the month I was made redundant by PDT, who could no longer fund my post to run The Complete Trainer. Though I keep hold of Complete Trainer, the security of a salary was ended and the business has to make more money! Job hunting started in earnest and I went for some interviews and, with Shani's help, updated my CV and improved my interview and job pursuit skills.

Sadly this was also the month our dear friend Kevin passed away, far too early. We miss you Kev.


Started the month with a Christmas dinner with the Writers Circle. Once again, someone (not naming Colin, but...) set fire to something on the table. Never leave us in the company of live flame! I did more job hunting and was interviewed by Fauna and Flora International, which I found out about through a friend on Facebook. I'm delighted to say I start a one year contract there in February.

Shave also got together for a friendly meal and a chat and had some photos taken. There's some fun ones on Guido's flickr site.

So - a busy year which seems to have got quite squished up with lots happening in my little world at the end of the year. The good news is that I am keeping up with Compelte Trainer and starting a new job, as well as doing some consultancy work.


A busy year ahead with lots of challenges. Stay tuned folks, I hope to keep blogging and keep you up to date with my daft stories and odd points of view on life, the universe and... well, just about anything I can think of that is a suitable enough excuse for me to put finger to keyboard (pen to paper sounds better, but...)


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