Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Just connect

We went to see Sandi Toksvig's live show last night - her one woman show was entertaining and she involved the audience several times with questions, and stories.

A show like this can often be the host just talking at you, waiting for laughter, and carrying on, but Sandi genuinely wanted interaction. That's hard to achieve when you are one, and there's 600 or so people sat watching you, but she didn't do half bad.

The main message - apart from her amusing anecdotes and wonderful stories of things interesting (like 95% of all the world's people ever are dead) - was about connection.

In the interval she encouraged us not to turn on our phones and to talk to someone we didn't know. And though her message was delivered with her usual erudite humour, it was an important message I think many related to. Certainly there was lots of random chatting in the queue for the ladies!

There was a big notice in the ladies: "Red dot is engaged". I suggest we congratulate her next time we see her - and instead of sideways glances and getting ahead in the queue quicker, my quip received smiles. In other words, Sandi's message of getting us to just connect was working.

Of all the things that made me smile, laugh out loud, clap and enjoy  myself, it's the reminder that we need to connect with others that I think is the most valuable of all. I hope the others felt the same.

Image (C) whoever did her promotion. http://www.sanditoksvig.com/

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